Monday, November 19, 2007

more lessons learned

The message of grace is so foreign to many Christians.  From the time I was two, I was raised in church, learning what it meant to serve Jesus.   And most of the messages I heard were those of the "do not's."  It was the message of "followers of Jesus don't do this and don't do that."   We were quick to identify what sin was.  (Basically anything the preacher at that time especially hated.) 


But looking back now, I'm realizing the lack of identification with grace.  It was simply explained as "God's Riches At Christ's Expense." (Modern Christianity is a pro at taking a hugely profound and complex theological component such as grace and boiling it down to a bumper sticker logo.)   Okay, that's nice, but what did it suppose to mean? 


We sang "Amazing Grace."  It reminded us of what wretches we were without a chance, except for God's grace.   I learned that grace was the good will of God to let a sinner like me into his heaven and that it was only because of Jesus that he would do that.  There was always a "whew!" kind of feeling when it came to grace, like getting out of trouble and not having to go to the principal's office. 


But there is so much more!!  Grace is the love of God in action toward us.   It is not "just because of Jesus" that we can be saved and enter God's family, it's because of God's great love for us that he went to that extent to make room for us in his family.   His love is not based on what we do or where we've come from or how perfect I walk now that I know him, either.  His love is bigger than that.


It is his grace that keeps me wanting more of him.  How could I not, when no matter what screw-up I get myself into, he still loves me, and will walk me out of it.   How could I not, when he says that he loves me even before I could know anything about me.  How could I not be amazed by his grace?   This is why the scriptures say, "it's your kindness, Lord, that leads us to repentance." 


Have you ever had someone give you something and then later keep reminding you of what they gave you, as if you should owe them something, or everything, because they gave it to you?   Church taught me that I don't have to do anything to get God's love and forgiveness, but to keep it I have to work like…  But again that is not the picture of grace I see in the scripture now.   Now, I understand that my works and desire to live right is a response to this grace I've encountered and received, not because I'm afraid to lose it.  He wants me to live out of his grace and not be afraid of running out of it.  


More to come…

1 comment:

Kevin and Lisa said...

Well said. I started reading the PDF version of Wayne Jacobsen's book, He Loves Me, which echo's what your saying. I myself am just discovering how much Father really loves me despite of what I think or do.

If believers could really grasp the love of the father instead of the legalism of religion...whew, what freedom.