Wednesday, February 6, 2008


From dust we came, to dust we will return. 


The ashes of Ash Wednesday are symbolic of the very essence of our mortality.  Our focus is to remind ourselves that without God we are nothing but dust.  It is in him that we live and move and have our being.


Our society would tell us that we make our own way in this life.  That it is up to us to create our own destiny.  But let's be honest. 


Did you decide to be born?

Did you tell your heart to beat just now, sending the blood coursing through your veins?

Did you decide to breath and keep oxygen in your body so that you can stay conscious?

What power do we have over life? 


The only power we truly have is what we do with this life we've been given.  Life is a gift. 


We have the power to make right choices with the life we've been given.

We have the power to turn away from the wrong choices that will take away from the life we have been given.

We have the power to turn over our life to the Master and Creator of life that he might make it more than just inhabited dust, and fulfill his purpose and plan in us.


The Bible says that we will one day stand before Christ's throne and our works (the deeds we did in this life) will be judged by fire.  Those worthy of his plan and purpose in our lives will be refined as gold and silver are purified by the fire.  Those that do not emanate out of his plan and his purpose will be burned up, leaving behind ash.


What things are you holding onto today that will not last in eternity?  What things are holding you from your destiny?


The Bible says of King David, "…and fulfilling God's purpose in his generation, David died."  What is keeping you from fulfilling God purpose in your generation?


Is it a sin…an action or an attitude that does not glorify God?

Is it a prejudice or a habit that detracts from the grace that you've experienced from God?

Is it that really good thing that is fun or profitable for you, but takes away from your family and from your purpose in God's plan?


Hebrews 12 says, "Let us strip away every sin and weight that slows us down in this race of endurance…"


Faith is not a sprint, but a marathon of endurance.  We have to take measures to give up those things that will slow us down, that we can find grace…energy…to continue the race.  Let us set our eyes on Christ who has gone before us.


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