Wednesday, February 14, 2007

my joanne

Today is Valentine’s Day, and I have to take an interlude on this blog series about the scandal of grace to say something about a wonderful woman named Joanne.

Joanne is my wife, but more than that, she’s my confidant, she is my lover, my friend, my biggest cheerleader. This has been the hardest year of our lives it seems, having had to walk away from a church and ministry that we loved and had devoted our lives to. I’ve have to change in every area of my life, but this has not changed…the woman I love has stood beside me. She forgives me when I fail, she believes in me when I dream. She knows me better than I know myself. And I know all these sound so cliché, but they are true.

So Happy Valentine’s day, Joanne, I love you.

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Ok really make me cry - I love you with all my heart!