Saturday, January 27, 2007

off-road review

I want to share a review of a great new book for emerging leaders and those seeking to understand how to minister to our culture today. It is called: "Off-Road Disciplines: Spiritual Adventures of Missional Leaders" by Dr. Earl Creps.

I have been reading emerging ministry books, postmodern ministry books, etc. for about 5 years now and it is what has helped to define me and remind me that I'm not crazy for feeling the way I do about church and Christianity as we know it today. This book is one of those books that have helped to redefine me once again.

After reading so much stuff that comes out, you begin to hear the same things over and over again, but this book is fresh. It is packed full of truth and application, not just a bunch of observations from an ivory tower.

I appreciate Dr. Creps' ability to be a "doctor" but not sound like one. I appreciate his ability also to be humble in his observations of himself as well as this new world/culture in which we live. I love his handling of ministering to the "sought." Not the lost, or the heathen, or the sinners, but the "sought," because we have so forgotten with our own spiritual lives and ministries, that there are whole lot of people out there that the Father is looking for, and He wants us on the search party.I also appreciate the separation of the personal and organizational "disciplines." So many books focus only on the organization or only on the personal, but for any ministry to have balance, one must have both arenas of disciplines operating.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who truly cares to make an impact on the world as it is now. The world has changed and it's time the church take notice. If you haven't noticed it, or want to know about it, check this book out. Maybe you're already involved in "emerging/postmodern" ministry, this book will help to connect you and solidify you in understanding who you are and where we're going. Thanks, Dr. Creps. You have helped me.

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