Friday, January 26, 2007

new beginnings

Today marks the beginning of a new blog. I feel like I’ve had a dozen blogs over the last couple of years, but I’ve only had 3 in maybe 5 years. But this one has new significance. Like everything else in my life, it’s time to make a change. Over the last six months, I have found myself leaving the church I spent 13 years in as member and 11 years as a staff pastor. I have found myself no longer deriving my income from ministry and after a weird period of about 10 weeks, I am now in a job in “the real world.” My family and I have settled in a new church, outside of our tradition of charismatic/Pentecostalism for the first time in over 20 years. Yet through all of this upheaval, we have found that God does not and has not changed. In fact, He’s become more real to us in a tangible, practical way than any of the “spiritual” experiences before have ever made Him.

We are on a new road now, so it is appropriate we share this new road with new, as well as old, friends. We are building a group of people who want to know God and love Him without religiosity that teases to know God, but only siphons out a bit of God when it is convenient. I will try to share some of the things we’re learning in this community. After we’ve been together for a while, we’re going to pray about eventually becoming a church, but right now, we’re just friends with our Bibles and hearts open. Follow along the journey if you would like. The more companions the better.

"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and go do that. For what the world needs are men and women who have come alive." Gil Bailie

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