Monday, March 5, 2007

IDC John 18-21

Tonight at IDC we will be exploring the last chapters of John, specifically the last days of Jesus’ earthly life.

Something that stood out to me in chapters 18-19 was how many times John was quick to remind the reader that certain events were direct fulfillment to Old Testament scripture. I have heard it said that the odds of Jesus, being one man, and fulfilling all the scriptures that he did, could be calculated to 1 in multi-millions. I believe that there is many proofs of Jesus’ life and resurrection, truth that he is the son of God, but I think this is a very important fact. He came to fulfill the word of God. He came to become the very word spoken from God. He was Word.

Another thing: there is a big news story about Jesus’ tomb supposedly found, and now there is “proof” that he married Mary Magdalene. Personally I agree with most scholars and archaeologists who are studying these artifacts that they could have been any person with the name Jesus, being that it was common, as well as Miriam. But as I was reading in John where Jesus is on the cross and he looks down and sees his mom, his aunt, and Mary Magdalene. Does Jesus address this “wife” of his? Does he make sure she is cared for and watched over? No, he simply addresses John and tells him to take care of his mother, that now she is his mother. Why would he not do the same for Mary? Would he not have words of comfort or love or even encouragement?

Ultimately, Jesus will not be known through scientific or archaeological proofs. I believe that is the reason for the some of the mysterious absence of articles from that times and gaps in the stories of his life, because Jesus is someone we meet by faith. He said that if we believe word, He and His father would come and live in us, and we would have fellowship with Him. This is how we know him, because we believe His word. He reveals himself in our faith.

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